Monday, October 10, 2011


so i have been very busy for the past couple of days, so i haven't wrote anything. still looking for work to start off,  but i came to a major realization today. i figured out exactly what it is that i want to do. i found my dream.  i want to cook. and i can cook a little but i want to learn more. so i am. i can't afford to go to school so why should i not worry about that? because i can learn on my own by studying recipes and practicing for friends. but first i need to work to buy stuff for my kitchen. and that's not hard, i got a couple of good leads today. one thing i thought of today was chidumplins'. sounds strange i know but it sounds so good once you know what it is. chicken and duck dumplins' combined and with some kinda twist to the dumplins, like stuffing them somehow... i don't know yet. but the great thing is i can try and use all of my friends and co-workers as guinea pigs for my food while i am learning. within five years i want to be able to open up my own little dive hole in the wall kind of place cooking all the things i learned and loved. it doesn't have to be big and fancy just kicked back with really great fresh made food all from scratch. its going to be such a fun journey. who knows maybe i can keep up with my progress and make it all part of this new blog. who knows what can happen. hell it's going to be great and it's going to be fun and hard, but who in their right minds would pass up chidumplins?

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