Sunday, October 16, 2011

a hot skillet

sometimes in life you just have to learn how to let go. letting go can be the best hardest thing that you have done. it's never easy to let go when your heart is at stake. when you can feel goodbye coming in your heart you begin to feel uncertainty and a paralyzing pain in your chest that makes it hard to even breathe. your vision becomes a cloudy haze of tears that you must not shed because you must be strong you must have courage. goodbye becomes a red hot skillet in your hands and the pain is unbearable and you can smell your flesh burning you can't breathe. but you know you have to let go and that when you do your flesh will tear and bleed. the pain will be there still and there is more pain yet to come. as the time passes your hands begin to heal and you have to re-learn how to move your hands there is still pain. but the more you work the more you heal and the pain begins to fade. then one day your hands are healed the pain has faded but the scars will always be there for you to see, a reminder of when it's time to just let go. you can choose to keep holding on to that skillet hoping that soon it will cool off and you wont have to let go, and yeah it can cool off, but how much damage will be done to your hands? will the damage be to great for your hands to heal and be able be used? what if you keep holding on and it doesn't cool off at all? so what do you do when faced with a hot skillet? i don't know what to do. i guess i will just have to learn just how much i can burn..........

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